The Coleman Institute Blog
Mar 23
How to Safely Stop Drinking in 2023
Vet me if you like, but after a little browsing on the internet, I read that:
Only 9% of people are successful in keeping with their New Year's resolutions. Most people quit with the new year goals on the second Friday of the month. 43% of people are most likely to give up on their New Year's resolution by the month of February.
Feb 23
10 Best Songs for Addiction Recovery Motivation
The power of music has been leveraged in healing since at least the fifth and fourth century B.C., and is known to have been used in ancient Greece. Famous Greek philosophers Pythagoras, Aristotle, and Plato were some of the earliest to acknowledge the healing power of music.
Feb 23
Alcohol Addiction & Detox, Explained by Experts
Alcohol is often used to relax, socialize, celebrate, mitigate, de-stress, and more, but it is actually one of the most commonly abused drugs in the United States. In fact, an estimated 88,000 Americans die annually from alcohol-related causes, making alcohol the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States. Despite its dangers, there is a certain level of societal acceptance associated with heavy drinking and alcohol abuse.
Jan 23
What is the Difference Between Addiction and Dependence?
Dr Craig Swainey, who specializes in Addiction Medicine and is also in long-term recovery himself, responds to a question that we are often asked here at the Coleman Institute: What is the difference between drug addiction and dependence?
Nov 22
How to Get into Recovery or Stay There during the Holiday Season
One of the most profound sentiments I hear from patients in recovery from various substances is the sense of pure gratitude they feel on a holiday morning when they wake up knowing that they won’t have a hangover and that they won’t have to come up with excuses to leave their family and figure out how to get something to keep from being sick.
As the holidays approach, there are many resources published to give people ideas and strategies for remaining off addictive substances and—if you or a loved one are in early recovery—Congratulations! I urge you to start planning your strategy now. For anyone who remains ensnared in the nightmare of addiction, I want to emphasize that the holidays may be your best time to consider an outpatient detox.