
The Coleman Institute Blog

How Much Pain Does It Take Before Someone Stops?


Jun 17

June 23, 2017

How Much Pain Does It Take Before Someone Stops?

Most people who get into recovery do so when the pain of their using and the pain of their lifestyle is greater than the fear of stopping and trying a new way of life. Usually, this requires a crisis - like a health scare, legal problems, a threatened divorce or something similar.

Non-Addictive Medical Treatment for Opioid Addiction


Jun 17

June 19, 2017

Non-Addictive Medical Treatment for Opioid Addiction

Earlier this month we worked with a family from South Carolina at our Richmond Coleman Institute office. Accompanied by his parents and younger sister, Tim (not his real name), a 27-year-old college educated young man who works in the finance world, came to us for a Medically Assisted Withdrawal off Suboxone. (more…)
Medically Assisted Treatment for Opana® Withdrawal


Jun 17

June 9, 2017

Medically Assisted Treatment for Opana® Withdrawal

We just helped a gentleman with a Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT) to get off Opana® (oxymorphone). He was injecting about 40mg/day, often supplemented with oxycodone.

Roxicodone Detox Treatment


May 17

May 25, 2017

Roxicodone Detox Treatment

We have seen an increase in patients coming to the Coleman Institute for rapid detox from Roxicodone (also known as Roxycodone). Roxicodone is a strong prescription pain medicine that contains an opioid (narcotic) used to manage pain severe enough to require an opioid pain medicine, when other pain treatments such as non-opioid pain medicines do not treat pain well enough or a person cannot tolerate them. It is another pain medicine that can put a person at risk for overdose and death. Even if taken as prescribed a person is at risk for opioid addiction, abuse, and misuse that can lead to death.

If someone is buying these pills on the street, they are commonly called Blues, Roxies, Roxys, or thirties--descriptors of the color and usual milligrams.

No One Made Me Come To Treatment


May 17

May 11, 2017

No One Made Me Come To Treatment

“No one made me come to treatment – That’s good, right?” – I hear this all the time. Patients who come to us for help say this frequently. They are convinced that because they are coming for help voluntarily, it will make them more likely to stay clean and sober for the long term. I usually say to them – somewhat jokingly, “Well, good for you … but that won’t help you at all. . . unless you also do the necessary work to stay in recovery.”

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