The Coleman Institute Blog
Dec 17
Holiday Detox
To choose nursing or medicine as a profession usually means that sometime in your career, you will be covering weekends and holidays. So when my children were young, I had to take my turns doing shifts on Thanksgiving and Christmas for many years.
As much as I loved being home during a holiday, from the beginning I was always grateful to be the one ‘wearing the uniform’ rather than being the patient when I did have to work. Being in the position to help someone who has to be stuck in a hospital over the holidays was actually pretty gratifying.
Dec 17
Detox With Compassion and Competence: Fentanyl, Heroin and Methadone
Nov 17
Staying Sober During The Holidays
I always like to forward good tips about staying sober during the holidays. We see so many patients who talk about their ‘triggers’ during those times. I thought this article contained some great ideas. He clearly references things from The Recovery Book, so unless you read the book, some of the things may not be completely fleshed out.
Nov 17
Thanksgiving Detox – The Coleman Way
There are multiple suggestions for detoxing after indulging in the overabundance of food and drink that many people experience during the Thanksgiving holidays. Warm water plus lemon, drinking green juice, using a body brush, yoga, and meditation are a few. While all of these may be great idea for a post holiday detox, I just want to make you aware that if you or a loved one needs help detoxing off opioids, The Coleman Institute is available 365 days a year to help you.
Oct 17
How Did We Get Here?
It should be no surprise to anyone reading this that we are in the middle of the worst opioid epidemic to ever strike our country. Thanks to fentanyl (a powerful synthetic opioid), the 2016 mortality figures are even worse than 2015 – over 60,000 deaths. To put this in perspective, there were more overdose deaths in that one year than the entire Vietnam war! How did we possibly get here?