The Coleman Institute Blog
Feb 20
Recovery: Rewriting Our Stories
I had the fortune of recently attending a retreat focused on “rewriting our stories.” You may be asking, “Wait, how can I re-write my story... it already happened? I can’t change the past.”
Jan 20
8 Quotes About Quitting Drinking From Famous People
I carry a pen around at work (even though I have had to resign myself to using electronic medical records...sigh) because my patients in recovery say the most profound things.
Jan 20
How to Stop Reacting and Start Responding to Create Your Best Life
I was just re-reading a reference to Victor Frankl. I read his book, Man’s Search for Meaning many years ago.
Frankl, a Jewish psychiatrist, was imprisoned by the Nazis in WWII. During his time in the concentration camps, he suffered unimaginable indignities and torture and has become known for his writings from that time.
Jan 20
5 Things You Must Know Before Starting Naltrexone Therapy
"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear." — Nelson Mandela
Jan 20
Detox Recovery – 10 Things That Sabotage You
“If we keep doing what we're doing, we're going to keep getting what we're getting.” — Stephen Covey
It is a pure joy to be in the profession of addiction medicine. Every day brings opportunities to learn, challenges to unravel, and patients who inspire our staff, validating the years of collective experience the Coleman Institute for Addiction Medicine brings to the table.