
The Coleman Institute Blog

8 Tips for Continuing Your Recovery During the Coronavirus Outbreak


Mar 20

March 27, 2020

8 Tips for Continuing Your Recovery During the Coronavirus Outbreak

The Coronavirus outbreak has been a true test of everyone’s mental, physical, financial and other health. The extent of it is yet unknown. There’s a lot of fear and panic circulating.Just as those over 60, and those immunocompromised are considered at high risk, I would argue that people in recovery are at high risk as well because they also have a chronic illness. But unlike other chronic illness, addiction recovery is vulnerable to factors such as social isolation, fear, panic, anxiety, etc.

What Does It Mean To Hit Rock Bottom?


Mar 20

March 5, 2020

What Does It Mean To Hit Rock Bottom?

I came across this quote on my Instagram feed the other day. I thought it was so profoundly true that I wanted to share it with you.

8 Tips for Sober Travel


Feb 20

February 27, 2020

8 Tips for Sober Travel

You have completed your detox, gotten through the worst of the Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) and now you are thinking “I need a vacation.” Great idea! Just like every other part of your recovery plan, this needs to be carefully thought out and planned.

Millennial Sobriety


Feb 20

February 18, 2020

Millennial Sobriety

The following is a guest blog from a young woman who has chosen sobriety. It is a little longer than other blog articles, but I wanted to emphasize a couple of things by publishing it. One, you don’t have to hit rock bottom in order to stop drinking. Two, if you are concerned about, or questioning your drinking, you don’t have to label yourself as an alcoholic before giving abstinence a try.

Who Should You Surround Yourself With in Recovery?


Feb 20

February 13, 2020

Who Should You Surround Yourself With in Recovery?

If only life could be like it was in Mr. Rogers’ neighborhood. If you are too young to remember Mr. Rogers, it’s worth a look on YouTube. Mr. Rogers’ neighborhood was a beautiful, idyllic, albeit imagined place. Unfortunately. If the world ran as an episode of Mr. Rogers’ neighborhood, we would all be happier, healthier and content.

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