
The Coleman Institute Blog

Suboxone Alternatives to Detox Off Opioid Pain Medication


Jun 24

June 12, 2024

Suboxone Alternatives to Detox Off Opioid Pain Medication

In the journey toward recovery from opioid pain medication addiction, deciding which opiate detox method to choose plays a pivotal role. While Suboxone has long been a cornerstone of therapy in addiction medicine, particularly for those seeking to overcome dependence opioid-based on pain medications, it's important to acknowledge that its efficacy and suitability can vary significantly among individuals. With the complexities of opiate dependency and addiction and the varied responses of individuals to treatment, exploring alternatives to Suboxone for pain medication detox is becoming increasingly important. These alternatives range from other pharmacological treatments to holistic and natural approaches, each offering unique advantages and considerations.

How Long Does It Take To Get Energy Back After Opioid Withdrawal?


Jun 24

June 5, 2024

How Long Does It Take To Get Energy Back After Opioid Withdrawal?

A patient called the other evening. He finished his rapid opioid detox about a week ago. He has a very physical job and is the father of a 4-month-old baby, Noah. Noah is the reason he finally decided he had to stop using opioids once and for all. He has been using high dose opiates for over 20 years, with a few small blocks of abstinence thrown in. (more…)
How To Spot the Signs of Overdose From Opioids


May 24

May 30, 2024

How To Spot the Signs of Overdose From Opioids

The opioid epidemic continues to ravage communities across the globe, bringing with it a devastating increase in overdose incidents. At the Coleman Institute, we are committed to educating our community about the dangers of opioids and the critical importance of recognizing an overdose as it unfolds. Knowing the signs of an opioid overdose can mean the difference between life and death, making this knowledge essential for everyone, particularly those who have loved ones struggling with opioid addiction.

Binge Drinking: When To Get Help for Alcohol Use


May 24

May 13, 2024

Binge Drinking: When To Get Help for Alcohol Use

In today's society where a glass of wine at dinner or a beer with friends is the norm, the boundary between enjoying a moderate drink and veering into excessive or “binge” drinking territory can be hard to recognize. Throughout celebrations, gatherings, and even stressful days, this distinction is crucial for those who may be at risk of developing an Alcohol Use Disorder. Identifying and addressing binge drinking and its associated risks for alcohol dependence or addiction can have a major impact on your physical health, mental well-being, interpersonal relationships, and overall quality of life.

How Long Does Alcohol Stay In Your System?


Apr 24

April 30, 2024

How Long Does Alcohol Stay In Your System?

Drinking alcohol can have a profound impact on your overall health. It not only influences your immediate behavior through intoxication, but also poses long-term risks to your brain, liver, and other organs if used excessively. From the moment it is consumed, alcohol begins a journey through your body, affecting every part and process it encounters.


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