The Coleman Institute Blog
Nov 21
Why is it So Hard to Detox Off of Suboxone and Other Forms of Buprenorphine?
Watch Dr. Coleman's Facebook Live post where he answers the question, Why is it So Hard to Detox Off of Suboxone and Other Forms of Buprenorphine? Here's a recap.
Oct 21
Finding Help to Detox Off Heroin
Every day my colleagues and I at The Coleman Institute for Addiction Medicine work with people who are holding their breath, desperate to keep their child, spouse, partner, or dear friend alive and free from the ravages brought on by addiction to various substances.
Oct 21
3 Important Differences Between Suboxone and Naltrexone Therapy for People Addicted to Opioids
I must admit I was a little surprised earlier this week when Bridget Walsh, our Clinical Case Manager and I screened a former patient who wanted to return to The Coleman Institute for Addiction Medicine for a second detox off opioids.
Sep 21
The Safest Way to Detox Off Fentanyl
I’m a medical professional in the substance use/addiction field. When I started in this business about 13 years ago, the most common situations our patients presented with were their struggles to get off methadone, prescribed pain medication, or heroin. (more…)
Sep 21
Loving Someone to Death: Supporting Recovery Without Enabling
When we talk about recovery and the interpersonal dynamics that often occur in relationships, “enabling” is the dirty word no one wants to hear. But what is enabling? How do we know when we’re loving someone too much? And once we can recognize it, how do we stop it?