The Coleman Institute Blog
Jan 22
Changing Behavior To Stop Opioid Use
An estimated 2 million people in the United States have a substance use disorder related to opioid pain medications. To put that into perspective, that is 1 in every 13 individuals. Too often these people suffering from addiction feel as if there is no way out.
What they don't know is that although it may feel impossible to resist the impulse, you can treat opioid addiction.
Jan 22
What Is Dopamine & How Does It Keep Me Using Opioids?
What is dopamine? Dopamine is known as a pleasure molecule that is released in the nucleus accumbens area of the brain when we do pleasurable things — like eat food, have sex, or even take prescription opioids (drugs). When dopamine releases in the brain, we experience a strong sensation of pleasure and, of course, we will want to repeat that experience.
Jan 22
How Can I Get Off These Bloody Pain Medications?
Jan 22
Getting Energy Back After Ending Methadone Use
Ramon decided to stop taking methadone during the COVID-19 pandemic. Was it essential or was it elective? Perhaps in Ramon’s case, it was a bit of both.
Going to a methadone clinic was never what he pictured for himself. Ramon’s story includes neck and back surgery, several years of pain medication, a move to a rural community where the nearest pain management doctor was over an hour’s drive, and finally — resignedly — driving 45 minutes a day to the methadone clinic.
Dec 21
One Pill Can Kill
Here’s a recap of Dr. Peter Coleman’s video, “One Pill Can Kill”.