In the final part of Dr. Peter Coleman and Dr. Banimahd's interview, they discuss how you can detox off opioids with naltrexone as medication-assisted treatment (MAT) versus using Suboxone.

Have you missed part 6? You can catch up on how the abstinence-based model for long-term recovery can help you navigate your post-detox life here.

Explore the recap of Dr. Peter Coleman’s YouTube video, “Dr. B interviews Dr. Coleman about the Coleman Method for Opioid Detox and Naltrexone MAThere.

Using Naltrexone as Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Intervention

Dr. Banimahd

So what we have here is we're using naltrexone as Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) intervention as pharmacological intervention. So we're making the detox in the initial stages when people are ready, and by the way, I know that this is just for all opioids across the board. We also do for even Suboxone® when someone has a hard time with Suboxone® or methadone.

More like this: Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT): Higher Success for Recovery

Dr. Peter Coleman

Quickly and safely, and comfortably.

Dr. Banimahd

Quickly, safely, under a doctor's supervision, and comfortably, we're using a sort of comfort medication.

Dr. Peter Coleman

And successfully. 98% of people start the program and get on naltrexone, which is phenomenal. The only people that don't do that are kids who didn't want it anyway. Their parents wanted them to do it, and they're like, "No."

Dr. Banimahd

And I've had a couple of those.

Dr. Peter Coleman


Dr. Banimahd

And I recommend they don't do it.

Dr. Peter Coleman

Yeah. Yeah, exactly. They're better for Suboxone®.

Dr. Banimahd


Dr. Peter Coleman

Until they grow up a bit. Yeah.

More like this: The Truth About Suboxone® & How to Detox

The Coleman Institute for Addiction Medicine Locations

Dr. Banimahd

So I know that the home office or medical clinic is in Virginia. I do know you have what? 11, 12 locations across the country?

Dr. Peter Coleman

Yeah. It's been fun. Yeah.

We've been able to teach doctors, like yourself, in different parts of the country how to do the procedure. And then we support them. So, for example, we have a call center where people can call, learn how the system works, what's involved, and get all the details. Then they call you, and once they know that they want to do it, they'll contact you before starting the procedure.

And you'll review the whole history with them over the phone to make sure they are a good candidate. And that there is no kind of red flags that we might need to tweak things a little bit. Sometimes we'll extend the detox out another day or two if there's a considerable amount or if they're using vast amounts of fentanyl, or if they've recently used methadone or Suboxone®—something like that.

More like this: Accelerated Opioid Detox: Explained Using The Coleman Method

Dr. Banimahd

And I love that about you guys because there's a lot of professional integrity here.

Dr. Peter Coleman



Dr. Banimahd Working With Patients

Dr. Banimahd

As some of you guys might know, I'm very much a control freak on who comes through my doors and what I do with patients. I was always like that, even when I was at the university. So I love that the patient eventually comes to me, I get to review the case, and I make my decision. And I love the fact that there's so much flexibility. Sometimes I get a methadone patient, and whatever it is, they've signed up for a 7 or 8-day program, I will extend 9 or 10 days. And you guys are great with that. So I love that, and it's been working.

More like this: How to Get Off Methadone with the Coleman Institute

Dr. Peter Coleman

It's all about getting the patient where they want to be.

Dr. Banimahd


Dr. Peter Coleman

Clean and sober. Yeah.


Dr. Banimahd

So anyway, Dr. Peter Coleman with the Coleman Institute.

I work with them and my viewers who know me out there; I'm pretty selective about who I work with. So it's been a pleasure the last couple of years because it's been another perspective on treating patients suffering from addiction. And it gives me one more piece of the arsenal to offer to them. So in that way, it's been fantastic for me as well.

Dr. Coleman, thank you so much for joining me today. I know you came from Virginia. I know you did some surfing. Did you enjoy that?

Dr. Peter Coleman

It was fabulous, yeah.

Dr. Banimahd

Did you? Okay. Well, I'm glad you enjoyed that.

Dr. Peter Coleman

I tried out a new carbon fiberboard that's really light and much easier to use. So it was enjoyable.

Dr. Banimahd

You do that paddle surfing kind of thing.

Dr. Peter Coleman


If you have found yourself struggling with opioid addiction, please call us. You are not alone. We are happy to provide more details about our Accelerated Outpatient Detox programs.


Looking for the rest of the webinar series? Check out parts 1-6 below: