by Addison Clark | Oct 2, 2023
If you are using heroin or other opioids to cope with emotional pain and are ready to live a life free of addiction, the Coleman Institute can help. Explore the best way to get off heroin with the Coleman Method, why it’s important to experience our emotions,...
by Addison Clark | Feb 18, 2020
The following is a guest blog from a young woman who has chosen sobriety. It is a little longer than other blog articles, but I wanted to emphasize a couple of things by publishing it. One, you don’t have to hit rock bottom in order to stop drinking. Two, if you are...
by Addison Clark | Feb 5, 2020
I had the fortune of recently attending a retreat focused on “rewriting our stories.” You may be asking, “Wait, how can I re-write my story… it already happened? I can’t change the past.” Exactly the point! We cannot change the past HOWEVER we can change how we...
by Addison Clark | Jan 29, 2020
I was just re-reading a reference to Victor Frankl. I read his book, Man’s Search for Meaning many years ago. Frankl, a Jewish psychiatrist, was imprisoned by the Nazis in WWII. During his time in the concentration camps, he suffered unimaginable indignities and...
by Addison Clark | Dec 19, 2019
The short answer is no, but the concept of dating in early recovery is important and worth discussing. It is generally discouraged and for good reason. With recovery and sobriety comes vulnerability, especially in the early stages. The feelings and bad past...