by Addison Clark | Nov 20, 2019
Christmas music is now playing in stores and on the radio and you are newly sober. Congratulations! This is an incredibly vulnerable time for a newly recovered person. Even the music can be a trigger. Recovery is a process and will be tested many times over the years....
by Addison Clark | Nov 6, 2019
Gratitude is not just for Thanksgiving anymore. Gratitude practiced every day of the year—or most days anyway—is a way to conquer life’s challenges, including depression and recovery. There are endless ways in which we can do this, so stay tuned for...
by Addison Clark | Oct 30, 2019
There is absolutely nothing funny about addiction. Alcohol and opioid use disorders are causing deaths at unprecedented rates, destroying families, and costing the U.S. economy billions of dollars per year. The beginning stages of recovery are rough, really rough:...
by Addison Clark | Oct 23, 2019
One of the most troubling aspects of my job as a medical addiction professional reared its head last week as I entered the exam room for a follow-up visit with Gordon.* Gordon has had a very successful career in banking. He is the 64-year old divorced father of three...
by Addison Clark | Oct 15, 2019
My patients, the struggles they have endured, and the efforts they have made to achieve sobriety inspire many of my blogs. But yesterday at work, I have to say, I was moved so much by my coworkers. A young man was with us for a simple accelerated opioid detox. He is...