by Addison Clark | Jun 5, 2024
A patient called the other evening. He finished his rapid opioid detox about a week ago. He has a very physical job and is the father of a 4-month-old baby, Noah. Noah is the reason he finally decided he had to stop using opioids once and for all. He has been using...
by Addison Clark | May 30, 2024
The opioid epidemic continues to ravage communities across the globe, bringing with it a devastating increase in overdose incidents. At the Coleman Institute, we are committed to educating our community about the dangers of opioids and the critical importance of...
by Addison Clark | May 13, 2024
In today’s society where a glass of wine at dinner or a beer with friends is the norm, the boundary between enjoying a moderate drink and veering into excessive or “binge” drinking territory can be hard to recognize. Throughout celebrations, gatherings, and even...
by Addison Clark | Apr 30, 2024
Drinking alcohol can have a profound impact on your overall health. It not only influences your immediate behavior through intoxication, but also poses long-term risks to your brain, liver, and other organs if used excessively. From the moment it is consumed, alcohol...
by Addison Clark | Apr 8, 2024
One of the biggest roadblocks for people who want to stop using opioids is the fear of severe withdrawal. Many patients come to us after attempting to use other substances to try and mitigate their withdrawal symptoms. One of the substances we’ve heard about recently...