by Addison Clark | May 3, 2022
In part 2 of a 3-part series,the Coleman Institute’s executive director, Amanda Pitts, and National Medical Director, Peter Coleman, join Cindy Stumpo on her podcast “Tough as Nails” on iHeart Radio to discuss addiction, treatment, and long-term...
by Addison Clark | Apr 26, 2022
In part 4 of Dr. Peter Coleman’s and Dr. Banimahd’s interview, they discuss how you can detox off opioids with naltrexone as medication-assisted treatment (MAT) versus using Suboxone. Have you missed part 3? You can catch up on patient selection for The...
by Addison Clark | Apr 19, 2022
The Coleman Institute’s executive director, Amanda Pitts, and National Medical Director, Peter Coleman, join Cindy Stumpo on her podcast “Tough as Nails” on iHeart Radio to discuss addiction, treatment, and long-term recovery. After hearing about a...
by Addison Clark | Apr 12, 2022
If you are considering changing your relationship with fentanyl, explore how the Coleman Institute can help you live a life free from addiction with the Coleman Method using naltrexone. Tom’s Journey to Fentanyl Recovery I have been so inspired by one of my patients....
by Addison Clark | Apr 5, 2022
In part 3 of Dr. Peter Coleman’s and Dr. Banimahd’s interview, they discuss how you can detox off opioids with naltrexone as medication-assisted treatment (MAT) versus using Suboxone. Have you missed part 2? You can catch up on the opioid crisis in the 90s...