Dr. Coleman & Dr. B Talk Naltrexone vs Suboxone: Part 4

Dr. Coleman & Dr. B Talk Naltrexone vs Suboxone: Part 4

In part 4 of Dr. Peter Coleman’s and Dr. Banimahd’s interview, they discuss how you can detox off opioids with naltrexone as medication-assisted treatment (MAT) versus using Suboxone. Have you missed part 3? You can catch up on patient selection for The...
Live a Life Free From Fentanyl Addiction with Naltrexone

Live a Life Free From Fentanyl Addiction with Naltrexone

If you are considering changing your relationship with fentanyl, explore how the Coleman Institute can help you live a life free from addiction with the Coleman Method using naltrexone. Tom’s Journey to Fentanyl Recovery I have been so inspired by one of my patients....
Dr. Coleman & Dr. B Talk Naltrexone vs Suboxone: Part 3

Dr. Coleman & Dr. B Talk Naltrexone vs Suboxone: Part 3

In part 3 of Dr. Peter Coleman’s and Dr. Banimahd’s interview, they discuss how you can detox off opioids with naltrexone as medication-assisted treatment (MAT) versus using Suboxone. Have you missed part 2? You can catch up on the opioid crisis in the 90s...