From Bad Habit to Full Fentanyl Recovery

From Bad Habit to Full Fentanyl Recovery

We answer “what good can come from a bad fentanyl habit?” and how the Coleman Institute can help you live a life in full fentanyl recovery. Fred’s Story While meeting with my patient Fred yesterday, who sees me for the Coleman Institute’s Accelerated Opioid Detox, I...
Dr. Coleman & Dr. B Talk Naltrexone vs Suboxone: Part 5

Dr. Coleman & Dr. B Talk Naltrexone vs Suboxone: Part 5

In part 5 of Dr. Peter Coleman’s and Dr. Banimahd’s interview, they discuss how you can detox off opioids with naltrexone as medication-assisted treatment (MAT) versus using Suboxone. Have you missed part 4? You can catch up on the difference in treating...
How to Detox off Suboxone® With Naltrexone

How to Detox off Suboxone® With Naltrexone

Claire (not her real name) juggles a lot in her life. She is a full-time college student. She works part-time. She is getting married over Thanksgiving. She has an opioid addiction. How Claire Got Here Her first attempt to complete college failed when she started...
Gray Area Drinking: 6 Warning Signs & How to Get Help

Gray Area Drinking: 6 Warning Signs & How to Get Help

If you are considering changing your relationship with alcohol, explore 6 warning signs that you may be a gray area drinker and how to get help with the Coleman Institute. What Is Gray Area Drinking? As we begin to think about Substance Use Disorders (SUD) in new...