When Pain Medication Becomes a Dependency

When Pain Medication Becomes a Dependency

Eve, age 46, is a long-time nurse. When she was younger and working in the hospital, she was helping an obese patient from bed to their wheelchair. The patient became unsteady, and when Eve reached to steady the patient, the patient fell, pulling and twisting Eve’s...
Adam’s Opioid Addiction and Recovery Story

Adam’s Opioid Addiction and Recovery Story

I have written this before in many blogs, and (as long as I continue to write) this will remain a constant: my inspiration comes directly from our patients. Although I change personal details to protect their privacy, the core of their stories is what moves me and...
What Makes Detox with the Coleman Institute Different?

What Makes Detox with the Coleman Institute Different?

I just spent some time reading Google reviews for the Coleman Institute. Many patients reference their recent experiences, while other narratives go back years. For myself, I’ll never forget my first inkling of what it meant to be a patient here. In 2007 I was...
What If I’d Never Stopped Suboxone?

What If I’d Never Stopped Suboxone?

Fred, a former patient at the Coleman Institute, was prescribed opioids for roughly 14 years. When a specialist treated this with Suboxone, he found himself needing treatment to detox off of Buprenorphine. Find out how the Coleman Institute helped Fred detox...