by Addison Clark | Jun 19, 2017
Earlier this month we worked with a family from South Carolina at our Richmond Coleman Institute office. Accompanied by his parents and younger sister, Tim (not his real name), a 27-year-old college educated young man who works in the finance world, came to us for a...
by Addison Clark | Jun 9, 2017
We just helped a gentleman with a Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT) to get off Opana® (oxymorphone). He was injecting about 40mg/day, often supplemented with oxycodone. When a patient contacts The Coleman Institute for information about how to detox off Opana®, we...
by Addison Clark | May 25, 2017
We have seen an increase in patients coming to the Coleman Institute for rapid detox from Roxicodone (also known as Roxycodone). Roxicodone is a strong prescription pain medicine that contains an opioid (narcotic) used to manage pain severe enough to require an opioid...
by Addison Clark | May 11, 2017
“No one made me come to treatment – That’s good, right?” – I hear this all the time. Patients who come to us for help say this frequently. They are convinced that because they are coming for help voluntarily, it will make them more likely to stay clean and sober for...
by Addison Clark | May 10, 2017
If you are daring to stop using drugs or alcohol, you are daring to believe there is something better out there for you. It is a huge leap of faith to give up something that has so consistently given what you’ve asked of it: ease of mind, release of tension, the...