by Addison Clark | Oct 23, 2017
I had a great visit with my patient, Edward (not his name) earlier this week. Edward grew up in West Virginia and started using Oxycontin toward the end of his high school years. He got hooked and when pills became expensive, he started using heroin. Edward is kind,...
by Addison Clark | Aug 29, 2017
In the last 10 years or so, we have embarked on a big experiment in this country – by allowing much easier access to marijuana. There are many reasons this has happened. We have come to believe that marijuana is not really that dangerous – a lot safer than...
by Addison Clark | Jul 11, 2017
At The Coleman Institute, we continue to assist people with a medical withdrawal from short acting opiates, but we have a growing number of patients who are seeking our services to help get off of buprenorphine products like Suboxone or Subutex®. In an earnest attempt...
by Addison Clark | Jul 6, 2017
Why do people love coming to The Coleman Institute? Partly it’s because our method of Rapid Non-Addictive, Medically Assisted Withdrawal from opioids just plain makes the experience tolerable. Our patients are generally highly motivated; they are exhausted from a life...
by Addison Clark | Jun 23, 2017
Most people who get into recovery do so when the pain of their using and the pain of their lifestyle is greater than the fear of stopping and trying a new way of life. Usually, this requires a crisis – like a health scare, legal problems, a threatened divorce or...