by Addison Clark | Aug 16, 2019
Rebecca now realizes that this is no longer a joke. While she used to kid around calling herself a “functioning alcoholic,” that all changed when, after many attempts at cutting back, stopping drinking for a period of time, or setting limits, she suddenly lost her job...
by Addison Clark | Aug 2, 2019
Looking at my schedule a few weeks ago, I saw that a new patient was coming in for a consultation to learn more about our Accelerated Opioid Detox (AOD). Detox means different things to different people. If you google the word, you’ll find references to various liquid...
by Addison Clark | Jul 26, 2019
This was the call I received from a woman who was desperate to get off her opioid pain medication. To protect her privacy, her name has been changed for the purpose of this post. Janine is a 52-year-old woman who had her first surgery in her late twenties for a...
by Addison Clark | Jul 18, 2019
At the Coleman Institute for Addiction Medicine, we work with people of all ages to safely get off addictive substances like alcohol, Oxycontin®, Percocet®, Roxicodone®, Dilaudid®, fentanyl, heroin, or methadone. Our patients tend to be highly motivated and ready to...
by Addison Clark | Jul 16, 2019
The answer to this question depends on whom you ask. There are those who define recovery as the complete abstinence from any mind-altering drugs. And Suboxone®, a medication that combines the opioid buprenorphine with the blocker naloxone, does activate opioid...