Detox Recovery – 10 Things That Sabotage You

Detox Recovery – 10 Things That Sabotage You

“If we keep doing what we’re doing, we’re going to keep getting what we’re getting.” — Stephen Covey It is a pure joy to be in the profession of addiction medicine. Every day brings opportunities to learn, challenges to unravel, and patients...
New Year’s Resolutions and the Reality of January

New Year’s Resolutions and the Reality of January

It’s the middle of January and I have already slipped! Well, this is why New Year’s resolutions don’t have a great track record of success. As a matter of fact, according to US World and News reports, 80% have succumbed by the first week in February. And the overall...
PART 5: What Feels Better Than Heroin?

PART 5: What Feels Better Than Heroin?

The 4th and final law in James Clear’s Atomic Habits refers to the final part of the habit loop, the reward. In order for a new habit to form and be sustained, any reward must be satisfying. The difficult thing about this step speaks to our biology and evolution. As...
Can I Really Be Addicted To Tramadol?

Can I Really Be Addicted To Tramadol?

If you think tramadol is a benign drug, think again. This past spring we met Frank, a middle-aged man from the southwest who was using large amounts of tramadol daily, originally for back pain. His doctor prescribed a certain amount, the rest he purchased online. He...