Millennial Sobriety

Millennial Sobriety

The following is a guest blog from a young woman who has chosen sobriety. It is a little longer than other blog articles, but I wanted to emphasize a couple of things by publishing it. One, you don’t have to hit rock bottom in order to stop drinking. Two, if you are...
Who Should You Surround Yourself With in Recovery?

Who Should You Surround Yourself With in Recovery?

If only life could be like it was in Mr. Rogers’ neighborhood. If you are too young to remember Mr. Rogers, it’s worth a look on YouTube. Mr. Rogers’ neighborhood was a beautiful, idyllic, albeit imagined place. Unfortunately. If the world ran as an episode of Mr....
Recovery: Rewriting Our Stories

Recovery: Rewriting Our Stories

I had the fortune of recently attending a retreat focused on “rewriting our stories.” You may be asking, “Wait, how can I re-write my story… it already happened? I can’t change the past.” Exactly the point! We cannot change the past HOWEVER we can change how we...
8 Quotes About Quitting Drinking From Famous People

8 Quotes About Quitting Drinking From Famous People

I carry a pen around at work (even though I have had to resign myself to using electronic medical records…sigh) because my patients in recovery say the most profound things. I mean, they’re not even trying to—and astonishing, inspiring things come out of their...