Do This 1 Thing to Stay Off Opioids Forever

Do This 1 Thing to Stay Off Opioids Forever

Using willpower to change a behavior means working hard to achieve something; Merriam Webster defines will power as “energetic determination.” If I need willpower to accomplish something, then I am attempting a task that I feel some level of conflict about doing. Like...
Alcohol Use Disorder: Easy to Meet Criteria

Alcohol Use Disorder: Easy to Meet Criteria

A lot of patients I see don’t really know they may meet the criteria for alcohol use disorder. I can tell you that it’s not that hard to qualify, and more and more people are entering the ranks. From 2001 to 2012, the prevalence of alcohol use disorder (AUD) increased...
How the Hell do I Stay Sober Now?!

How the Hell do I Stay Sober Now?!

It is easier than ever to become lost in the rabbit holes our minds are diving into — fear of the future, fear of the unknown… If not already happening, many of us will likely also experience the reality of being host to a virus which may or may not make us, our loved...
Naltrexone Therapy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Naltrexone Therapy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Naltrexone is a non-addictive medication that can be used for Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for both Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) and Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). The Coleman Institute for Addiction Medicine offers two specially formulated Naltrexone options for...