The Safest Way to Detox Off Fentanyl

The Safest Way to Detox Off Fentanyl

I’m a medical professional in the substance use/addiction field. When I started in this business about 13 years ago, the most common situations our patients presented with were their struggles to get off methadone, prescribed pain medication, or heroin. Nothing much...
Recovery Boys – Only 1 in 4 Recover From Opioids

Recovery Boys – Only 1 in 4 Recover From Opioids

If you get a chance to watch the Netflix documentary film Recovery Boys, please do so. I attended a screening of the film at Studio Two Three in Richmond last night with Dr. Coleman and my nurse practitioner colleague, Lauren Farnsworth, to a pretty full audience. The...
18 Holiday Gifts for Those in Recovery

18 Holiday Gifts for Those in Recovery

People in recovery deserve a lot of praise. The best gift that you can give someone in recovery is acknowledgment; an acknowledgement of how hard they have worked, how much they have changed, and how proud of them you are. If you didn’t know, those in recovery...
Overcoming the Fear of Stopping Methadone

Overcoming the Fear of Stopping Methadone

I was moved to write a letter to a patient who completed an Accelerated Opioid Detox off Methadone last week. She is in the Post Acute Withdrawal (PAWS) stage, which can be very challenging. I have changed the name of the patient, but wanted to share the sentiments...