Getting Energy Back After Ending Methadone Use

Getting Energy Back After Ending Methadone Use

Ramon decided to stop taking methadone during the COVID-19 pandemic. Was it essential or was it elective? Perhaps in Ramon’s case, it was a bit of both. Going to a methadone clinic was never what he pictured for himself. Ramon’s story includes neck and back surgery,...
One Pill Can Kill

One Pill Can Kill

Here’s a recap of Dr. Peter Coleman’s video, “One Pill Can Kill”. The Dangerous Reality The DEA has recently come out with a campaign to get the word out, called One Pill Can Kill, and it’s dramatic and it’s true, and we’ve been hearing about it. The...
Taking the First Step in Your Recovery Journey

Taking the First Step in Your Recovery Journey

Here’s a recap of Dr. Peter Coleman’s video on “Taking the first step in your recovery journey”.” It’s Not Your Fault We know that addiction is a disease. It’s not your fault. It’s devastating and affects people from all walks of life from every...
The Single Most Important Thing to Know When Detoxing

The Single Most Important Thing to Know When Detoxing

A body, left to its own devices, manages pretty well. Breathing, digestion, circulation, and metabolism are all nicely orchestrated with only the minimal input from the inhabitant of said body. A little food, a little water, a little oxygen, and the body is good to...
The Truth About Suboxone® & How to Detox

The Truth About Suboxone® & How to Detox

A couple weeks ago I attended the funeral of an amazing woman who died at the age of 67 from Lou Gehrig’s Disease, or ALS. She had decided early on to make her dying process a gift to her loved ones. Printed on her memorial card was the question, “What does love...