How to Detox off Suboxone® With Naltrexone

How to Detox off Suboxone® With Naltrexone

Claire (not her real name) juggles a lot in her life. She is a full-time college student. She works part-time. She is getting married over Thanksgiving. She has an opioid addiction. How Claire Got Here Her first attempt to complete college failed when she started...
Gray Area Drinking: 6 Warning Signs & How to Get Help

Gray Area Drinking: 6 Warning Signs & How to Get Help

If you are considering changing your relationship with alcohol, explore 6 warning signs that you may be a gray area drinker and how to get help with the Coleman Institute. What Is Gray Area Drinking? As we begin to think about Substance Use Disorders (SUD) in new...
Dr. Coleman & Dr. B Talk Naltrexone vs Suboxone: Part 4

Dr. Coleman & Dr. B Talk Naltrexone vs Suboxone: Part 4

In part 4 of Dr. Peter Coleman’s and Dr. Banimahd’s interview, they discuss how you can detox off opioids with naltrexone as medication-assisted treatment (MAT) versus using Suboxone. Have you missed part 3? You can catch up on patient selection for The...