by Addison Clark | Oct 2, 2023
If you are using heroin or other opioids to cope with emotional pain and are ready to live a life free of addiction, the Coleman Institute can help. Explore the best way to get off heroin with the Coleman Method, why it’s important to experience our emotions,...
by Addison Clark | Sep 7, 2023
I heard from Ken yesterday. Ken completed an Accelerated Opiate Detox with us about 5 weeks earlier. The burden lifted from his shoulders is immense. He told me he wakes up with the freedom of knowing he can be like a “normal” human. He can drink coffee, take a...
by Addison Clark | May 15, 2023
Addiction is a disease that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be a challenging battle to fight, but with the right mindset and tools, it is possible to overcome addiction. Here are ten motivational quotes to inspire and encourage those who are going through...
by Addison Clark | May 11, 2023
These were not my words, but the words of a patient who completed a 5-day opioid detox with us a few weeks ago. A couple of years ago, his detox would probably have been 3 days—he believed he was using a gram or a gram and a half of heroin a day—but when fentanyl was...
by Addison Clark | Feb 28, 2023
The power of music has been leveraged in healing since at least the fifth and fourth century B.C., and is known to have been used in ancient Greece. Famous Greek philosophers Pythagoras, Aristotle, and Plato were some of the earliest to acknowledge the healing power...