by Addison Clark | Mar 5, 2020
I came across this quote on my Instagram feed the other day. I thought it was so profoundly true that I wanted to share it with you. “I don’t believe in rock bottom. I’ve had a lot of what I thought were rock bottoms, only to discover another, rockier bottom...
by Addison Clark | Jan 8, 2020
The 4th and final law in James Clear’s Atomic Habits refers to the final part of the habit loop, the reward. In order for a new habit to form and be sustained, any reward must be satisfying. The difficult thing about this step speaks to our biology and evolution. As...
by Addison Clark | Sep 27, 2019
These are the words I heard from a middle-aged patient who came into the office a few weeks ago. He said to me: “I hate it. Every 3 days I have to re-apply my Fentanyl patch and I can’t stand the fact that I am a slave to it. All of my doctors tell me that...
by Addison Clark | Jun 24, 2019
Choosing nursing or medicine as a profession usually means that sometime in your career, you’ll be working weekends and holidays. So when my children were young, I had to take my turns doing shifts on Thanksgiving, Christmas, Memorial Day, or the 4th of July for many...
by Addison Clark | Feb 25, 2019
The growing prevalence of opioid addiction has made seeking treatment especially important for people and their loved ones. But knowing what to expect from withdrawal and your detox program can clarify what the experience is like so that you’re in control of your own...