by Addison Clark | Jun 12, 2024
Patients who have stopped using opiates using the Coleman Method and gone through the opioid detox and withdrawal process often wonder why their energy levels are so low and ask about ways they might boost it. Long-term opioid use can have life-threatening side...
by Addison Clark | Dec 18, 2023
The opioid crisis is one of the most severe public health challenges in recent history. Fueled by a dramatic increase in the misuse of both prescription and non-prescription opioids, it has led to a significant rise in opiate dependency, addiction, and overdose. The...
by Addison Clark | Nov 30, 2023
Are you struggling with opioid dependency or addiction? Perhaps your doctor has cut you off from your Percocet®, Roxicet®, Vicodin®, Dilaudid®, or other morphine-type prescription pain medications. Perhaps you have become involved with using street drugs such as...
by Addison Clark | Oct 5, 2023
A patient shared this story and this question with me a few weeks ago: “I’ve been working with a doctor to find a solution for my back pain for the past two years. I tried every treatment in the book from physical therapy, to ibuprofen, to cortisone...
by Addison Clark | Oct 2, 2023
If you are using heroin or other opioids to cope with emotional pain and are ready to live a life free of addiction, the Coleman Institute can help. Explore the best way to get off heroin with the Coleman Method, why it’s important to experience our emotions,...