The Coleman Institute Blog
Nov 23
Alcohol Detox: Five Signs Your Liver Is Healing
The decision to reduce or abstain from alcohol often marks a pivotal moment in a person’s life. This commitment often emerges from deep introspection, recognizing the negative impacts of excessive drinking on personal relationships, work-life, and overall health. Overcoming prolonged alcohol use is not just a triumph over a habit; it symbolizes regaining control, restoring health, and embarking on a new chapter of well-being.
Nov 23
Signs of Opioid Addiction: 10 Common Street Names for Heroin
The opioid crisis continues to claim lives and disrupt communities globally, with heroin standing out as one of the main driving factors. Heroin, derived from morphine, is notorious for its high addictive potential and devastating impact. At the Coleman Institute, we offer a heroin-focused outpatient treatment program using our Accelerated Opiate Detox methodology that has helped 98% of patients successfully complete their detox.
Oct 23
Can I Use Kratom To Detox Off Heroin?
Several months ago, a 26-year-old man from Northern Virginia came to our Richmond office for a Heroin Detox.
He had been using heroin for about 2 years after being on oxycodone for surgeries he’d had shortly after high school. Jim had graduated from a good HVAC program and was a reliable employee. He loved working with his hands. But unfortunately, he was just blowing all his money on heroin.
Oct 23
Fentanyl Withdrawal Symptoms: What to Expect When Detoxing
Fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid used medically to manage severe pain, is a catalyst for the worst drug epidemic in our nation’s history and is responsible for the deaths of approximately 200 people each day. Estimated to be 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine and about 50 times more potent than heroin, fentanyl is highly addictive and causes dependency with just a few doses. When a person stops using fentanyl they can experience extremely uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, but these can be mitigated with an effective detox program administered by experienced medical professionals.
Oct 23
Can Opioids Make Pain Worse & How to Get Help
A patient shared this story and this question with me a few weeks ago:
"I've been working with a doctor to find a solution for my back pain for the past two years. I tried every treatment in the book from physical therapy, to ibuprofen, to cortisone injections. After months of consulting with my doctor, we arrived at the perfect regimen to reduce pain: one tablet of acetaminophen-oxycodone, a potent opioid, in the morning and one tablet of acetaminophen-oxycodone at night."