Alcohol Detox: Five Signs Your Liver Is Healing

Alcohol Detox: Five Signs Your Liver Is Healing

The decision to reduce or abstain from alcohol often marks a pivotal moment in a person’s life. This commitment often emerges from deep introspection, recognizing the negative impacts of excessive drinking on personal relationships, work-life, and overall health....
The Dangers of Alcohol Induced Psychosis

The Dangers of Alcohol Induced Psychosis

When considering the various health hazards associated with excessive alcohol consumption, the potential for physical harm often comes to mind: liver damage, heart disease and other health complications. However, one often overlooked but equally perilous consequence...
How to Safely Stop Drinking in 2023

How to Safely Stop Drinking in 2023

Vet me if you like, but after a little browsing on the internet, I read that: Only 9% of people are successful in keeping with their New Year’s resolutions. Most people quit with the new year goals on the second Friday of the month. 43% of people are most likely...
Alcohol Addiction & Detox, Explained by Experts

Alcohol Addiction & Detox, Explained by Experts

Alcohol is often used to relax, socialize, celebrate, mitigate, de-stress, and more, but it is actually one of the most commonly abused drugs in the United States. In fact, an estimated 88,000 Americans die annually from alcohol-related causes, making alcohol the...