Prescription Drug Detox

Prescription Drug Detox

The Coleman Method offers a more comfortable, quicker, safer option to detox – and start your journey toward recovery.

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Outpatient Prescription Drug Detox Treatment

Why Choose Prescription Drug Detox?

At their best, prescription pain medicines provide healing and relief, but unfortunately, many of them are also highly addictive. What starts out as a simple solution for an injury or medical condition can quickly turn into a crippling dependency on opioids. Because prescription drug dependency is a brain condition, weaning yourself off the medicine can feel nearly impossible and abruptly stopping can cause severe withdrawal symptoms.

At the Coleman Institute, we believe that you don’t necessarily have to take prescription drugs for the rest of your life in order to manage your chronic pain. We are here to help you detox safely and quickly and will work to give you the best possible chance of a lasting recovery. Due to the effects of opioid-induced hyperalgesia, many patients find that their pain level is actually lower after their detox, and they are able to manage it through other means.


How Does The Coleman Method For Prescription Drug Detox Work?

The Coleman Institute developed our Accelerated Opioid Detox program to be a comfortable, outpatient process that most patients complete in as little as 3-8 days. By using a carefully selected combination of medications and sedatives, we’re able to remove all the opioids from your body without the discomfort that causes many people who attempt to self-detox to give up.

With The Coleman Method for outpatient withdrawal management, in just a few days you can rid your body of prescription drugs and regain control over your life. After the detox is complete, our team works with you to treat any post-acute withdrawal symptoms to ensure that you’re on the best path to complete healing.


Substance Use Disorder for Prescription Drugs

How Does Prescription Drug Use Become an Addiction?

When used as directed, prescription opioid medications provide many benefits, including pain relief. Unfortunately, many commonly prescribed medications are also highly addictive. What begins as a simple treatment for a medical condition can lead to a debilitating opioid dependence over time.

The brain’s opioid receptors are responsible for responding to chemicals that are naturally created in the brain to regulate pain, release hormones, or provide feelings of well-being. However, when synthetic opioids, such as prescription drugs, bind to these same receptors, they can release more dopamine more quickly than nature ever intended.

This makes the brain think that it no longer needs to naturally produce as many endorphins as before. Over time, this can cause someone to become more reliant on these prescription opioid drugs to produce the positive effects listed above, leading to dependence.

What Are The Signs Of Prescription Drug Dependence or Addiction?

The signs of prescription drug dependence or addiction will vary based on the type of substance, the other drugs being taken, frequency of use, and length of time a person has been using these drugs. However, there are many common signs of prescription drug dependence or addiction to look out for:

  • Regularly taking higher doses than prescribed
  • Continued use of the drug after the ailment has been treated/cured
  • Appearance of being intoxicated, such slurring of speech or low energy
  • Mood swings
  • Hostility
  • Irritability when medication is not available, or the prescribed amount has run out
  • Deceitful behavior to obtain the prescription drugs
  • Visiting multiple doctors to obtain the medication legally
  • Using the medication at a faster rate than prescribed
  • Taking the pills in other ways (crushing, breaking, smoking or snorting)
  • Lying about usage
  • Showing withdrawal symptoms when medication isn’t available


Facts About Prescription Drug Addiction

The opioid epidemic, which is originally linked to the overprescription of opioids, has led the FDA and DEA to enforce stricter laws on physicians prescribing opioid-based drugs. When doctors are no longer able to prescribe these drugs for long-term use, patients no longer have legal access to obtain these drugs that they have inadvertently developed a dependence on. This leads some to turn to black — or gray market suppliers to stave off withdrawal. Prescription drug dependence and addiction is more prevalent in the United States than many understand.

What Are The Symptoms Of Prescription Drug Withdrawal?

When someone develops a dependence on prescription drugs, their brain’s chemical structure has physically changed. If they stop using the prescription drug abruptly, they can experience painful, uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms can vary based on genetics, the specific drug taken, frequency, and more.

Medical supervision is highly recommended. Stopping prescription opioids on your own can be a long, difficult, and painful road. Common prescription drug withdrawal symptoms can include:

  • Sweating or cold sweats
  • High blood pressure
  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
  • Body aches and cramps
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Severe cravings
  • Racing Heart
  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Agitation and irritability
  • Insomnia


Find An Outpatient Detox Near You


The Coleman Institute offers a variety of outpatient detox treatment options at locations nationwide. Our ground-breaking Coleman Method has helped thousands of patients recover from the effects of addiction. Whether you want to detox from opiates or alcohol, we can help.



See What Other Patients are Saying about Coleman Institute…

John K – Former Prescription Medication User
“I’m free again. I have my life back again.”

Diane – Opiates (Painkillers)
“You’re a new mommy now and I love my new mommy”

Ready to Reclaim Your Life?

Get back to being yourself with our safe and effective method for outpatient detox off of prescription drugs.

Call Us Now at 877-773-3869


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